Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The placed block has a heart on each side. It is one of the few materials that can mine Cobalt and Ardite. It is stronger than everything but Steel (which it is about on par with) and Manyullyn. Its not that well made its just a random thing i made so enjoy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Alumite is an alloy which is crafted with one block of Obsidian, two Iron ingots, and five Aluminum ingots together in a Smeltery. also this has thaumcraft psi mekanism botania and other stuff Best Endgame Tinkers Construct Tools for 1.10. Caution is advised, as these abilities also allow lucky zombies to pick up fired arrows and use them as melee weapons. They have a preset break chance, and can also be used a handheld weapons, dealing more damage than fists.

It is used as ammunition for the Shortbow and Longbow and can be recovered after firing.

So introducing Tinkers construct but with a lot of materials and stuff. The Arrow is the replacement for the vanilla arrow.
Ftb infinity best tinkers construct hammer mods#
FTB Lite 3 is a lightweight, simple-to-use 1.7.10 modpack designed for both users who are either unfamiliar with mods or those with computers unable to withstand larger packs. So i was once thinking hmmm how could i get as many tinkers materials as i would want to so i started searching for a modpack like (mc eternal and stuff) but then i was like frick it lets make our own one. A minimum of 4 GB of RAM is recommend for clients as well as servers for best performance.